Don’t Let Everything Freeze Over: Prepare Your Roof

It's been a year since everything iced over, and roofers in College Station, TX, were kept busy for days. No power meant no heat from furnaces; broken pipes caused flooding inside homes and businesses.

It was a tough time that roofing companies all over the country knew about because of the influx of calls from homeowners who needed help with roof repairs or roof installation services.

Don't let it happen again! Learn how to avoid everything freezing over with these tips.

How To Prepare Your Roof For Winter

Preparing your roof for winter is highly important. Some things you can do to get prepared are:

Check For Roof Damage Or Leaks

Roof damage is often a result of ice dams caused by too much roof snow and accumulated ice near roof edges. Contact your local roofing company before the winter arrives if you see any roof leaks or damaged areas.

Clear The Snow And Ice

Make sure to shovel off as much snow and debris from the roof as possible. This will keep roof drains from clogging and prevent ice dams from forming.

Install Roof Snow Guards

Roof snow guards help reduce the amount of roof snow that could accumulate when there is a lot of wind or blowing snow by guiding it away.

Add Insulation To Attic Space

Adding insulation to your attic space is a great way to keep the roof and the rest of your home warm. This is an important factor when it comes to winterizing your home.

Additional Tips To Avoid Everything To Freeze Over!

There are more things you can do to avoid everything from freezing over.

Keep Your Pipes From Freezing With Insulation/Heat Tape

A way to keep your pipes from freezing is by adding insulation and/or heat tape. If possible, try to keep your faucets dripping during the cold weather.

Make Sure You Have Enough Heating

Another way to help keep everything from freezing is by making sure you have enough heating in your home.

Monitor Weather Conditions

Watching the weather forecast can help you prepare for extreme cold or snow.

Having roof repairs or roof installation services done before the winter comes is a great way to ensure your roof isn't one of those that iced over last year.

Spire Roofing Solutions Helps You Prepare Your Roof For Winter

Spire Roofing Solutions is the answer if you're looking for a roofing company in College Station, TX. We offer roofing services such as roof repair, roof installation, roof inspection, and roof replacement. We're committed to providing you with the best service possible. Get a quote today.


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